Saturday, July 09, 2011

Feature Requests

The project has been getting a lot of features requests for the app, and we haven't had a central repository for them. For now, feel free to add them as a comment here.


Alan Glennon said...

bulk observation upload. --via vw

RFL said...

How about a way to track Fan and Mortar event cycles and Giant hot periods? For F&M track when the event cycle started and quality of the cycle using one to four stars. (four stars would indicate a cycle that went into lock but no eruption) For Giant track the duration of the hot period.

Robert Lieb

RFL said...

How about a way to display the previous days times?

Alan Glennon said...

RFL-- Good ideas. Of these, I plan to code better data search sooner than the other features. For now, you can search the database at (though it's not part of the Android app). I've been pondering making a separate app just for tracking F&M cycles -- and would be interested in doing the same if/when Giant becomes active.